Census 2001: Nations, Regions & Districts – Commuting Flows from and to Milton Keynes ( PE060C )

These data were obtained from the 2001 Census, Key Statistics. This table provides information about people commuting flows from and to Milton Keynes.

Commuting is the process of travelling from a place of residence to a place of work. Out Commuting is the occurrence of workers travelling from Milton Keynes to job locations outside Milton Keynes. In Commuting is the occurrence of workers travelling from outside Milton Keynes to jobs located within Milton Keynes.


Identification Number: PE060C
Authoring Entity: Office of National Statistics (ONS)
Producer: Milton Keynes Council
Copyright: © Crown copyright 2003. Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO
Date of Production: 2004-08-18

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:transport_and_travel.global:in_commuting.global:census_2001″ title=”Number of IN commuting”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:transport_and_travel.global:out_commuting.global:census_2001″ title=”Number of OUT commuting”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:transport_and_travel.global:net_commuting.global:census_2001″ title=”Number of NET commuting”]