24 votes

Demographic Data

Demography data about people who live in Milton Keynes, such as: age and gender proportion, ethnicity, education, economy, etc.

14 votes

Mapping Data

Enable to access Milton Keynes map (interactive map) into postcodes search as well as layering the map for different purposes.

10 votes

Population Data

Includes past, current and forecast population, from Borough level until lower level area (Wards, Parishes and Estates/Settlements).

9 votes

Transportation Data

Data about bus usage, redway network, road vehicles, etc.

8 votes

Housing Data

Includes housing stock, housing plan, housing affordability, etc from Borough level until lower level area (Wards, Parishes and Estates/Settlements).

8 votes

Health Data

Borough data about life expectancy, health deprivation and health inequalities.

7 votes

Business Data

Data about employment, qualifications, earnings, JSA, etc.

5 votes

Education Data

OFSTED and annual education census data, includes pupil’s number and profiles from Borough level until lower level area (Wards, Parishes and Estates/Settlements).

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