
More about Population
Estimated population in 2015: 261,750 Estimated population in 2015: 261,750
Estimated population projection in 2026: 308,500 Estimated population projection in 2026: 308,500
6th fastest growing LA in England outside of London 6th fastest growing LA in England outside of London
17% growth in population from 2005 to 2015 17% growth in population from 2005 to 2015
26% of the population in Milton Keynes is ethnic minority
Age group 28 to 42 highest proportion of population in 2015 Age group 28 to 42 highest proportion of population in 2015
1 in every 200 people in England live in Milton Keynes 1 in every 200 people in England live in Milton Keynes
Population of the new town in 1967: 60,000 Population of the new town in 1967: 60,000