Tag Archives: Benefit

Income Support (2004-13): MK Wards ( JD133Sb )

This table provides information about Income Support claimants for Wards in Milton Keynes. All data represent a snapshot in time (August of each year) of claimants of Income Support. For detailed eligibility conditions and rules for claiming IS see the directgov website: https://www.gov.uk/income-support For further information please see: http://www.nomisweb.co.uk/articles/738.aspx From 27 October 2008 a new […]

Free School Meals (2014): Regions & LEAs ( JD121Ed )

This table provides information about pupils known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals who have full time attendance and are aged 15 or under, or pupils who have part time attendance and are aged between 5 and 15. Note: Missing values indicates fewer than 5 pupils. Further information: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/schools-pupils-and-their-characteristics-january-2014 Citation Identification Number: […]