Tag Archives: Companies

Businesses (local units) by Industrial Group (2009-2013): Regions & Districts ( JD67E )

This table shows the number of businesses (local units) in regions and districts in England split by industrial type. The data refers to March 2009 to 2013. A local unit is an individual site (for example a factory or shop) in an enterprise. The data is published by ONS and is compiled from the Inter- […]

Business Size Distribution (2013): Regions & Districts ( JD61E )

The data shows the business size distribution for March 2013. It is released by the Office for National Statistics via the Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR). The business size is determined by the number of employees working for the company at that location. Business size is divided into the following classifications: All Businesses 0 to […]

Business Demography (2004-2012): Regions & Districts ( JD62E )

This dataset includes births, deaths and total stocks of UK enterprises. Births A birth is defined as a business that was present in year t, but did not exist in year t-1 or t-2. Births are identified by making a comparison of annual active population files and identifying those present in the latest file, but […]