Tag Archives: Deaths

Health Profile for Milton Keynes 2013

This profile gives a picture of health in Milton Keynes benchmarked against the rest of England. It is designed to help local government and health services understand their community’s needs, so that they can work to improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities. Further information, including back copies of these profiles can be found at: […]

Deaths and Mortality Rate (2002-2012): Regions & Districts ( JD125Pb )

This table provides data on the number of deaths in each area per year and the age-standardised death rates. Age-standardised death rates are derived from death registrations in 2012 and the mid-year population estimates. The directly age-standardised mortality rates used in these tables are for ‘all causes’ of death and include deaths at all ages. […]

Excess Winter Mortality (1991/2-2012/3): Regions ( PE070 )

Excess winter deaths are calculated as the difference between the number of deaths during the four winter months (December to March) and the average number of deaths during the preceding autumn (August to November) and the following summer (April to July). Figures for the latest winter are provisional and are rounded to the nearest 100, […]