Tag Archives: Ward

Milton Keynes Population, Household & Labour Market Projections Bulletin 2015/16

The Population, Household & Labour Force Projections Bulletin provides population estimates and population projections for Milton Keynes. It includes population projections for the borough, wards, estates and parishes. It also includes age profiles, housing projections, household types and labour force. Publisher: Milton Keynes Council Date: February 2016

Electors (2013): MK Wards ( PE131 )

This table gives the number of Electors per Ward in Milton Keynes as at 30th June 2013 Citation Identification Number: PE131 Producer: Milton Keynes Council Copyright: Milton Keynes Council Date of Production: 2013-07-04 [mkichart type=”ward” dim=”global:population.global:2013″ title=”Number of electors per ward: as of date 30th june 2013″]