About year: 2002

Mortality from all causes – directly age standardised rates, all persons aged under 75 years (1993-2012): Regions & Districts ( PE125 )

Indicator: Mortality from all causes (ICD10 A00-Y99, ICD9 001-E999): Statistic: Directly age-standardised rates (DSR) Age Group: Less than 75 years Period: 1993-2012 (Annual trends) Scale: per 100,000 European Standard population Version: 12_V1 Released: December 2013 Notes: Data are based on the latest revisions of ONS population estimates for the respective years. Data are based on […]

Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 with 95% Confidence Limits (2000/02-2010/12): LAs ( PE069 )

On 30 April 2013, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published mid-2002 to mid-2010 subnational population estimates, revised following the 2011 Census. Therefore, previously published life expectancy figures for England and Wales, England, Wales, English regions, counties in England, and unitary and local authorities in England and Wales have been revised and are presented in […]

MK: Wards – Life Expectancy at Birth with 95% Confidence Limits ( PE094 )

This table outlines life expectancy at birth by Ward in Milton Keynes for 1999-2003, 2000-2004, 2001-2005, 2002-6, 2003-7, 2004-8, 2005-9, 2006-10 and 2007-11 for Males, Females and Persons. The figures are rolling five-year averages, produced by aggregating deaths and population estimates for each successive overlapping five year period, so as to provide large enough numbers […]

Arson Fires (2001/2 – 2012/13): MK Estates ( PE063 )

This table gives the number of arson fires in Milton Keynes Estates for the years 2001/2 – 2012/13. Citation Identification Number: PE063 Authoring Entity: Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service Producer: Milton Keynes Council Copyright: Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service 2013 Date of Production: 2013-11-04

Arson Fires (2001/2 – 2012/13): MK Wards ( PE062 )

This table gives the number of arson fires in Milton Keynes wards between the years 2001/2 – 2012/13. Citation Identification Number: PE062 Authoring Entity: Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service Producer: Milton Keynes Council Copyright: Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service 2013 Date of Production: 2013-11-05

Estimated Traffic Flows (1993-2012): Regions, Counties & UAs ( PE177 )

This table has been compiled to provide estimates of total motor vehicle traffic for each local authority in Great Britain. They show annual million vehicle kilometres from 1993 to 2012, and will be updated annually in the summer. By providing a reasonable indication of changes in total traffic levels within an authority, the estimates can […]

GVA per Sector (1997-2011): MK and SE ( PE120 )

This table provides information in numbers and percentages on Gross Value Added (GVA) per Industrial Sector for the South East and Milton Keynes from 1997-2011 at current basic prices in England. Components may not sum due to rounding. Methodological changes have been introduced in this publication. The principal change was the introduction of independent measures […]

School Exclusions (2001-12): Regions & LEAs ( JD120Ed )

This table provides information about numbers and percentages of permanent School Exclusions in the school year 2001/02 to 2010/11. The number of permanent exclusions is expressed as a percentage of the number (headcount) of pupils in Primary, Secondary and Special schools, (excluding dually registered pupils in special schools) in January of that year. Figures relate […]

GVA (1997-2012): Regions & Sub Regions ( JD47E )

This table provides information in numbers and percentages on Gross Value Added (GVA) per Capita. The table gives workplace based gross value added (GVA) by NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial statistics) 1, 2 and 3 areas at current basic prices in England. The information is in shown is for GVA as a total for the region […]

Trends in Claimant Count (April 2004 – April 2013): Regions & Districts ( JD55Et )

These data were obtained from the claimant Count, NOMIS. It provides information on numbers unemployed and on Claimant count unemployment rate. DISTRICT RATES FROM 2001-2011 ONWARDS WERE REVISED IN SEPTEMBER 2013 TO USE REVISED MID-YEAR POPULATION ESTIMATES The claimant count records the number of people claiming unemployment related benefits. These are currently the Jobseeker’s Allowance […]