Census 2011: Regions & Districts – Tenure (KS402) ( KS402-NRD )

This is the Tenure table (KS402) from the 2011 Census. The table provides data on the number of households by their tenure.

Data is for England, regions and districts.

The questions were: Does your household own to rent this property? Tick one box only

  • Owns outright
  • Owns with a mortgage or loan
  • Part owns and part rents (shared ownership)
  • Rents (with or without housing benefit)
  • Lives here rent free

If a respondent answered with one of the last three options they then answered the following question:

Who is your landlord? Tick one box only

  • Housing association, housing co-operative, charitable trust, registered social landlord Council (local authority) Private landlord or letting agency
  • Employer of a household member Relative or friend of a household member
  • Other

The 2011 census in England and Wales took place on 27th March 2011. It provides a snapshot of the population and its characteristics on that day.

Further information about the census estimates, including details about the methodology is available here: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/census/2011/index.html


Identification Number: KS402-NRD
Authoring Entity: Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Producer: Milton Keynes Council
Copyright: Crown Copyright 2012
Date of Production: 2012-12-11

Household – A household is defined as one person living alone, or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living room or sitting room or dining area. A household must contain at least one person whose place of usual residence is at the address. A group of short-term residents living together is not classified as a household, and neither is a group of people at an address where only visitors are staying.

Tenure – Tenure provides information about whether a household rents or owns the accommodation that it occupies and, if rented, combines this with information about the type of landlord who owns or manages the accommodation. Tenure, Private rented, Other Accommodation that is ‘private rented, other’ includes accommodation that is rented from an employer of a household member, relative or friend of a household member, or other non-social rented accommodation. Tenure, Social rented, Other Accommodation that is ‘other social rented’ includes accommodation that is rented from a registered social landlord, housing association, housing co-operative or charitable trust.

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:all_households.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of all households”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:owned-_owned_outright.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of owner occupied households: owned outright”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:owned-_owned_with_a_mortgage_or_loan.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of owner occupied households: owned with a mortgage or loan”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:shared_ownership_-part_owned_and_part_rented.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of shared ownership households: part owned and part rented”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:social_rented-_rented_from_council_-local_authority.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of social rented households: rented from council (local authority)”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:social_rented-_other.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of social rented households: other”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:private_rented-_private_landlord_or_letting_agency.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of private rented households: private landlord or letting agency”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:private_rented-_other.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of private rented households: other”]

[mkichart type=”region” dim=”global:housing.global:living_rent_free.global:census_2011″ title=”Number of living rent free households”]