Through this facility, you can create a page that integrates any chart from any of the data posts included on the MK Insight website. You can then print or save your page as a PDF once finished. You can also include paragraphs of texts and headings to help with the understanding of the charts. To get started, use the three buttons below to add charts, texts or headings to the page.

Please note that this facility is to be considered “in development” – it might change and evolve without notice, and some functions might not be 100% operational. If you experience any problem with it, or it does not do what you expect it to do, please use the contact form on the Help Page to let us know.

If you are not sure what to do with this, you can watch a short video showing an example of creating a simple data page. Show video.

Start to create your own charts by clicking the icons below to add Title, add Text and add Chart, as well as print of save page as pdf.