Detailed Country of Birth Table: Milton Keynes Wards ( PE84 )

This table was obtained from the 2001 Census, Univariate Tables. The table provides information in numbers and percentages on Population by country of birth. Country of Birth is defined as the country in which a person was physically born. In legal terms, official proof of the birth must have been recorded. Information about country of birth was collected by five tick box questions: one each for the four parts of the UK and one for the Republic of Ireland. Where there was no applicable tick box, people were asked to write in the present name of their country of birth. The written responses were coded using the ONS Geography Classification of Countries. The confidentiality of personal Census information is paramount, and disclosure protection measures are used to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of information about identifiable individuals. When releasing the 2001 Census data ONS used incorrect ward boundaries for Wolverton and Stony Stratford wards. Figures for these two wards have been adjusted by MKC to reflect the correct boundaries..



Identification Number: PE84
Authoring Entity: Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Producer: Milton Keynes Council
Copyright: © Crown copyright 2003. Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO
Date of Production: 2005-02-22