Estimated Traffic Flows (1993-2012): Regions, Counties & UAs ( PE177 )

This table has been compiled to provide estimates of total motor vehicle traffic for each local authority in Great Britain. They show annual million vehicle kilometres from 1993 to 2012, and will be updated annually in the summer. By providing a reasonable indication of changes in total traffic levels within an authority, the estimates can be used as a denominator to calculate an authority’s casualty rate (casualties per 100 million vehicle kilometres of traffic) when Local Authority casualty figures are published. It should be recognised that, for some local authorities, the number of sample points on minor roads is very small. This is because the survey was designed to provide reliable national and regional traffic estimates only, as described in the following note and so the sampling errors for individual authorities can be large. This limits the value of the estimates for comparing the levels of traffic across different authorities. For the reasons described, the local authority traffic estimates – and the estimated casualty rates based upon them – are not being designated as National Statistics. The Quality Review of traffic statistics is examining the need for more robust statistics on traffic at local authority level.

Further information:


Identification Number: PE177
Authoring Entity: Department for Transport
Producer: Milton Keynes Council
Copyright: 2013 Department for Transport
Date of Production: 2013-09-04