Theme Table 08: All Households – Milton Keynes and England and Wales ( PE87 )

This table was obtained from the 2001 Census, Theme Tables. The table provides information in numbers and percentages on various themes on all Households in Milton Keynes. Defintions 1. Car or van availability includes any company car or van if available for private use. 2. The terms used to describe tenure are defined as: Other social rented includes rented from Registered Social Landlord; Housing association; Housing Co-operative and Charitable Trust. Rented from the council ‘ refers to Rented from Council (local authority)/Scottish Homes in Scotland and Northern Ireland Housing Executive in Northern Ireland. Private rented: renting from a private landlord or letting agency; employer of a household member; or relative or friend of a household member or other person. 3. The occupancy rating provides a measure of under-occupancy and overcrowding. For example a value of -1 implies that there is one room too few and that there is overcrowding in the household. The occupancy rating assumes that every household; including one person households; requires a minimum of two common rooms (excluding bathrooms). 4. A dependent child is a person in a household aged 0 to 15 (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16 to 18 who is in a family with parent(s). The confidentiality of personal Census information is paramount, and disclosure protection measures are used to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of information about identifiable individuals.



Identification Number: PE87
Authoring Entity: Office of National Statistics (ONS)
Producer: Milton Keynes Council
Copyright: © Crown copyright 2003. Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO
Date of Production: 2005-02-22